average randomness of zero proportions...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Comic Relief...

Hahaa...this one's dedicated to my dearest housemate!
Somehow I most certainly can relate to this,
especially since I'm still in the midst of the exam period...

Thanxs Mish for putting up with me,
and for all the support and encouragement! lubs!

** (obviously I'm the frantic one...)

I keep telling myself I need to really study hard now
so that i can catch the soccer matches later...
Come on Ja...just one last paper to go!

Closed her eyes at |4:39 PM|

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Exam Fever vs World Cup Fever

I didn't want to do anything else but
jump straight to bed and sleep.
Sports Physiology
paper was
(ok, maybe only the front
50 MCQs were the killers!)
Then again, that makes up half
the total paper's score! CRAP!

I was pretty confident when walking into the exam hall...
opened the paper and told myself
"Ja, u can do it!"
By the time I got to the end of the 2nd page,
I was like
" Ja, that's it...u're doomed"

As much as the paper didn't go as well as expected..
I have to give 2 thumbs up to my lecturer
for setting such a brillant paper!

Hey, I'm not being scarastic here
(ok, maybe slightly)
But yea, the questions were really challenging
and i reckon it takes some brains
to set a really good exam paper...
He's known to set such papers
where u can't just regurgitate all u're knowledge;
rather, u have to apply u're understanding
into the questions asked.
Not as easy as it sounds ok...!!!!

Well...I'm just happy it's done for...
Just watched
SerbIa and Montenegro ~
My god, greatest margin of goals scored for this world cup.
I'm happy Argentina won...
kinda would like to see them take on

then i'll cheer for Germany...haha

By the time Arg scored 3 goals...
i felt kinda numbed to the next 3...

Time for a shower...
heading over to a mate's place to catch the next match

Holland vs Ivory Coast...
Should be an interesting one!

I'll start studying for my paper tmr...

Closed her eyes at |11:19 PM|

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Friday, June 09, 2006

time for some action....

I'm pleasantly pleased with myself this evening...
I told myself that no matter what,
I had to cover at least 6 chapters
of my motor control notes....
if not
NO WATCHING the opening WORLD CUP match!
Now that I've done that....
time for some action-
GERMANY vs Costa Rica.

Closed her eyes at |11:36 PM|

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Thursday, June 08, 2006


In light of the World Cup tournament commencing tomorrow, thought that I should add on to the soccer fever with these quotes that my housemate and I came across in this month's issue of 'Reader's Digest-Australia'....


"I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football"- Victoria Beckham.

Five days shalt thou labour, as the bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God's. The sixth day is for football. - Anthony Burgess, English novelist.

If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms. - Mike Ditka, American Football Coach.

In Brazil, every kid starts playing street football very early. It's in our blood. - Ronaldo, Brazillian footballer.

A penalty is a cowardly way to score. -Pele.

The rules of soccer are very simple. Basically it is this: if it moves, kick it. If its doesn't move, kick it until it does. - Phil Woosnam, former USA national coach. (now we know why soccer never took off in the US)

Soccer is a game for 22 people who run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins. - Gary Lineker, former England captain.

Winning doesn't really matter as long as you win. -Vinnie Jones, British footballer turned actor. (and we all know why you turned to acting instead)

Sometimes in football, you have to score goals. -Theirry Henry, French footballer.

Closed her eyes at |6:52 PM|

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