Here's some pixs from the Fun Circuit Program that my friends and I conducted... Health Warriors Ben, Ja, Sharon, MJ, Zac & Aaron
Just for your information.... my blog is not dead yet. It's barely alive for now I know. Probably did not manage to blog as much as I would have liked to since I came back from Perth.
Anyway, most important thing for now is that I'm back and I've tried to start posting new blog entiries!!!
If you think I've been slacking, sleeping in everyday and stuffing myself with good ol' local food since I got back... you gotta be kiddin! I've been kept super busy with a whirlwind of STUFF to do. So here's what I've been up to.....
First and foremost, a couple of my uni friends and I have just completed a 6 week project that we embarked on since we got back. Basically, we got together as an independent group called 'PLAY' and implemented this FUN CIRCUIT program in one of the primary schools. This program was targeted at overweight children in the school's TAF program. Instead of the old school style of torturing the children to run during TAF sessions, our aim was to introduce circuit training to kids conducted in a fun way in which kids would maiximise their enjoyment and workout at the same time. Creating awareness that exercise could be made fun in many different ways was another area that we focused on. I must say the program was a success and I persoanlly felt that it was time well spent to help promote the importance of physical activity to kids.
Gosh, I have to honestly admit that some of these kids sure are a heafty lot! Nonetheless I had an enjoyable time teaching them... some are just so cute! Then again, you have several little devils that just drive u insane! By the last week, I actually lost my voice and I didn't get it back till a good week later... so that was quite bad! It's also no joke waking up at 530am everyday just to head down to the school. It's been a long time since I had to wake up that early!
Then there was the Asean Football Championships. Caught 2 matches at the National Stadium : Singapore Vs Malaysia in the Semis and Singapore Vs Thailand during the finals. Honestly I don't particularly like local/asean football... nothing can compare to EPL matches! However, I must admit I did enjoy myself. The local stadium atmposphere with all the calling of names and taunting... doing the infamous kallang wave and the fact that this was the last match to be held at the stadium b4 the pulled it down.... was something special, especially when u watch it witha great grp of friends!
Last but not least... now that I have finally graduated, it's job hunting time. Been busy looking out for job ads and sending in resumes. I so hate writing resumes! Drives me nuts! Hopefully I'll get one that I really like asap.
So yea, it's been hectic... but good. Now that the project has ended, I can finally take a breather, catch up with more maties and anticipate for chinese new year to arrive! Yuppie!