Been feeling really tired today...lethargic kinda feeling, despite waking up pretty late this morning. Anyway, had to go over to Stella's place with Zhong Yi to help her do some packing and moving. Stella's graduated already, so clearing her house...she's flying back to Singapore this Saturday. Meantime, she'll be bunking with me in my room....hahaha, yes yes, and while I'm typing at this very moment...she'll all happily tucked into my comfy bed, talking on her handphone.
Sighz...seems like a really long way more before it comes to my turn to graduate... considering that I've only arrived in Australia in Feb. Oh far so good I guess, it's been a really good experience. Let's just hope that things will get even better! Yuppie! the time we finished moving the stuff and all, it was already like 4pm. Anyway, out living room looks really cluttered now...haha...kinda looks like a mini Salvation Army!
Had a really good dinner was Stella's treat! Haiz, really gonna miss her when she's gone, despite having only known her for a relatively short period of time. Did the usual stuff...hanging out in the room talking to the rest....I think Zhong Yi is mad! He picked up a copy of Cosmopolitian(Aussie Gals Mag)this afternoon coz he had nothing better to do and was flipping thru' it.....hahah, u know, gals mags, they always have the typical section about guys and sex related horny stuff, telling and sharing the sexual experiences of other gals and all.....yea....he was reading thru it and I tell u, he was so amused by the contents (the story of the penis).He was like saying 'now I know what gals read about...' He was laughing at the statements made and yea....juz being amused...later that night he proceeded to flip thru CLEO....(ok, i think Zhong Yi is gonna kill me for exposing much for the 'YEO-hood')
Gotta wake up early tmr, think i'll go tuck in for now....yawnz....