Gosh...still feeling all goggy and icky with the cough and sniffels! But well, not letting that stop me from enjoying my Friday! Too good a day to allow it to go to waste....the weather was cool and beautiful. Sunny but windy.
Sacha and I decided that it would be a great idea to have a picnic along the river front @ Madtilda's Bay. So yea, she started preparing the food...made black-peppered chicken kebabs, fish fingers and brought along 2 juicy red appels. Took a slow walk down to Mad Bay, and found this cosy spot just along the bank of the river. Stupid noisy seagulls were like all prepared and aware of the presence of yummy food...they just stood there looking and staring hoping that by some luck or miracle, we would actully throw them some food....hahah...FOOLS...Fat Hope!
Yea....so we just bascially just spent the rest of the afternoon chilling out there...Sacha read some book, while the piggy me just slept away. The both of us reckoned that it was a really BEAUTIIIIFULLL day....clear blue skies...fresh air and the relaxing mood...was great...something that u can NEVER get in Singapore. But it kinda started getting chilly towards the later part....despite wearing long trackies and jackets...our feet especially were FREEZING!!!
Hahahah....BIG WELCOME BACK TO MISH! Yea, she's finally back home in Perth. :) It's been evry weird and different without my housemates in the house. Really miss them both!
Later this evening, Sacha was trying to teach me some basic skills and moves in Muay Thai. I mst say it was pretty fun and exhilarating a feeling to kick and box away. Not as easy as I thought it would be, was so scared that I would punch Sacha in the face! I think I have targeting problems...I must be half blind! Oh well...she's gonna continue teaching me a few stuff...so hopefully I'll be able to learn a thing or two from her. I must say she's pretty good herself...was telling her that she looks really fierce and intimidating when she kicks and punches away. Hahaha...maybe just before she leaves we'll be able to have a mini muay thai match...hahaha! Wel'll see how it goes...dun wanna end up in bruises! YiKES!!!