average randomness of zero proportions...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

FLAT--Need A ReCharge

Seems like all the energy and life has been sucked out of me! Been feeling really tired so easily....ok, so one factor due to my unearthly hours and amt of sleep each night....and in addition to all the sports and games that I've been playing!

U's like u wake up feeling all sleepy, drag urself out of bed and down to uni...there u try ever so hard to be all attentive and listen to the lecturers.....but when friends talk to u or when it comes to the end of each lect u suddenly feel all revitalised! hahhaa....yea...then u get home feeling all tired again....flop on ur bed and tell urself that u're just gonna take a PROLONGED BLINK...but thing u know...ur friends call u out to play a game of ultimate or whatever sport...and u're all energised again.....then when u actually try to settle down to do some work....YAWNNN..... *siGhz*

ANyway, I'll feeling all sore now...after another round of ultimate frisbee left claf which was in the process of recovering is now hurting more badly than ever....and groin hurts too! of all places rite!!! Got rammed down by the other team a couple of times when trying to defend and intercept the frisbee....OUCH! Argghhhh!!!! Like what my friend said...I'm really slowly breaking and falling apart....*yikes*

Haiz....I'm really disappointed with myself man-- didn't do that well for my last OB test....was expecting something much for trying to maintain good high grades for my assignments and tests! DAMN! Damn sad lah! Oh well....guess it just means that I've gotta buck up more!!!!

Sianz....the assignments are just coming in one after the other.....non-stop man! Now I've got this Psy lab report to complete on social influences in society! It's interesting a topic to cover but...I hate wrting lab reports....esp when they're so strict on format and word limit.....give me something w/o any word limit and it'll make a my a hell lot simpler! Stupid APA format! WHY! Not that anyone really cares right? I mean it's just stuff for ppl to they just read.....heck the format! Pissed off lah! Just making life difficult for poor souls like me! Hahhah!

The weather has been really crappy here too....been really windy and chilly....and it's damn strong lah....and adding to that....rain rain ...and more RAIN!!!!! So in other's bascially just CRAP!

Hmmm...I think i'll go take a PROLONGED BLINK for awhile....heehee *Wink*

Closed her eyes at |2:58 PM|

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