average randomness of zero proportions...

Monday, August 02, 2004

G.I JA in the Making!!! Wooohooo!

Over the weekend, they were screening the movie G.I Jane on the telly...u know, the one staring Demi Moore!Yea, anyway, despite having watched it like when it first came out.....had nothing better to do so yea, spent the rest of the evening watching the show with Chris.

I still remembered how when I first watched it I got all inspired and stuff....think the show really inspired me during those canoeing training days back in Kallang! Ok, sighz, really miss those sadistic training days....all sweaty and aching from the pain under the sun...loved it man! Yea, as much as I think that there are indeed really insanely fit women out the in the the opinions of both chirs and me, we seriously doubt that such ppl like G.I Jane kinda material really exist! Come on...get real...women have certain physical limitations and that;s totally insane lah! it's just a logical kinda evaluation.Anyway, none the less, I took it as a form of motivation for my training coz i could really relate to her in the show- being the only gal in a whole team of rugged guys, going thru tortourous trainings, competiting with them in time trials, and just being an equal and doing 'guys' stuff, no less! Yea, those were the good old days!

God, in the show, Demi Moore was like so damn ZAI lah! Esp after she shaved her entire so much SAE! Check it out when she was doing all those upside down crunches, one-arm push ups (which chris reckons is exaaggerated). I tell u....I so long to get up to the physical standard, but i must be dreaming and delusioned! Her strong mental and will power...her persistance and determination....loved her physic man....not overly muscular, but toned and proportionate...and check ouit her abs (not the best I've seen but still great!)

Anyway, since then, I kinda been slacking. Now that I'm in uni, its even worst...I've totally lost touch with my regular weekly exercise regime when i was back in SG. Ever since I came over to aust, I've seriously been like this lazy ass pigging out and not exercising....and now I'm finally paying the price - I feel so totally unfit....never felt so terrible in my life man! My stamina, strength and physic have all just gone down down down the drain......ARGHHHHhhhh!!!!!!!!
Feeling all helpless now!

Well....ok, so no point complaining right! Yups...that's the point I'm coming to now...after watching the movie again....I'm once again inspired! Hahahah! Yes....G.I Ja is getting back into action once agaiN! Sounds so lame and crappy right? I've finally figured out that if i wanna get back on form I have to start somewhere and its never too late to start NOW! Especially since I'm undertaking my degree in Exercise and Health Science, it's kinda ironic for me not to be fit myself if i were to help ppl get fit....get what I mean? I seriously must probably be the only lazy, totally unfit person in the entire human movement faculty! My standard is like nowhere lah! to start exercising.

Hahaha....And yes, I finally started getting down to serious exercising Today! Yes people...I'm proud of myself, and all I need to hope and pray now is that this will continue and not be a one off thing! Went for a jog this evening along Mad BAy down to the Swan Brewery...a good 5km. Well for a start lah..considering I haven't jog since last semester, and as mucha s this is an excuese- i just recovered from my 2 week long flu! Damn, so bloody cold today, makes it all harder and more difficult to breath! My nose was like so pain after the jog! Okok...cannot complain so much.....afterall, PAIN IS AROUSING! I shall head to the gym tmr and maybe go for a jog in the evening! Think on Sat MJ and I are gonna head down to the pool to swim. I wanna play tennis man! I'm getting a little out of hand...I need to learn to take things one step at a time. But i told myself to start off slow anyways....if not sure burn out damn fast one! Gonna have to start changing my diet too....must eat healthier foods....cut down on the
yummy chips and chocs! *the down side of getting healthy* I WILL SURVIVE!!!! Here Comes G.I JA!!!!

To my dear housemates and my ever worried not worry,I know what I'm doing. U might be thinking i'm insane and u my darling housemates (the unlucky 2 of the lot) might even experience days where Jacinta here will go a little insane and not be herself. But do forgive her....she'll still be the same old JA inside....bare with her and her temporary spur to get into the 'I Need to get FIT' action! Hahaha....All the BEsT to ME!!!! a fitter and healthier ME...Here I COME!!!!

Closed her eyes at |11:04 PM|

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