average randomness of zero proportions...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Woooo....another week gone by and yet another started! How fast! That's not good! As much as it's a day closer to going back to SG, it also means 1 day less before the exams! *sighz*

Anyway, this is bad, start of the week and already I'm feeling tired! Well, not due to the lack of sleep....more like been playing to much! Hit the gym in the afternoon and earlier on this evening, had a great 2 hour game of Ultimate Frisbee again! It's really starting to become this weekly human movement gathering sort of thing, which is way cool! I think it's a really good way to just take a break from school work, hang out and socialise with friends and simultaneously keeping in shape! Afterall...we are doing a sports science degree!

Today's game was GREAT i tell u....I reckon it was one of the better games that we've played so far! was a match between the Year 1's VS the Year 2's! Unfortunately, our seniors won us.....(by luck i would say...opps!) but a good game none the less....I must saluate Isaac Lim Gui Jia....he's one hell of a player...agile, fast and pretty much accurate throwing and catching! Don't look down on him becoz of his size, coz he's one MEAN Thing! Hhahaha! Full of crap too I must add! *yuppie* study,...test

Closed her eyes at |11:52 PM|

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