average randomness of zero proportions...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

What's New

As usual, the one and only thing that I'm pretty good at complaining about is that....I'm Soooo Tired!!!! Hahaha...what's new right?

Hmmmm....swimming was good, the sun was out but still a lil' chilly. Did quite a few laps this time round. Can see a little improvement stamina wise, which of coz is good...hahha...must give credit to my patient and endearing 'swimming coach' - Susan! Hahha...cheers babe!

Kinda sunburnt now..face all red and burnt...MOISTURIZER!!!! Must look pretty u know...hahahah...soft and supple skin....oh my goodness!!!!

The weekend went along pretty darn fine....had a sleep over thingy @ Sue's place on fri with a few others, stupidly we watched the exorcist, so yea, freaked ourselves out! Well,we had nothing better to do anyway. The rest continued wwatching SWAT, but piggy me decided to turn in first...hahahah,anyway, watched it b4 so no loss.

Hmmm....guess my ankles are kinda on the road to recovery. Still a little soar and swollen, but it's better. Hate it when i get these stupid injuries....and moreover, I'm like so freaking stubborn...such a typical taurus person. Not that i believe in these starsigns thingy! But yea, i can't help it if i want to play some sports with my friends....oh bother!

Can't wait man, study break's coming up in just a week....get thru this week and yuppie...get to enjoy and relaxs a lil'. Not that in the first place i've been doing alot of work..hahhaa. But yea, the word BREAK just sounds good. Will TRY to get some revision and studying done during that time!

Closed her eyes at |11:24 AM|

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