Shit is a powerful word. Just think of all the concepts and ideasyou can communicate with it. Shit may just be the most powerful wordin the English language.
Consider: You can be shit faced, be shit out of luck, or have shitfor brains. With a little effort you can get your shit together,find a place for your shit or decide to shit or get off the pot. Youcan smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forgetshit, and tell others to eat shit and die.
You can shit or go blind, have a shit fit or just shit your lifeaway. People can be shit headed, shit brained, shit blinded, and shitover. Some people know their shit while others can't tell thedifference between shit and shineola.
There are lucky shits, dumb shits, crazy shits, and sweet shits.There is bull shit, dog shit, cat shit, bird shit, whale shit, ratshit, and horse shit. There is tough shit, hard shit, soft shit,slimy shit, rough shit, limp shit. You can shit a blue streak, shitbricks, shit pink twinkies, shit marbles, or shit your guts out.
You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, or duck when the shithits the fan. You can take a shit, give a shit, keep shit or serveshit on a shingle. You can find yourself in deep shit, or be happierthan a pig in shit.
Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit, andsome days are just plane shitty. There is funny shit and sad shit,bad shit and good shit. Some shit doesn't stink while other thingsreally smell like shit.
Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there aretimes when you feel like shit. You can be faster than shit or youcan be slower than shit. Sometimes you'll find shit on a stick,sometimes you'll find shit everywhere, and then there are times whenyou can't find shit at all. You can have too much shit, not enoughshit, the right shit, the wrong shit or a lot of weird shit.
You can carry shit in a bucket, put shit in a barrel, have a pile ofshit, have a mountain of shit, have a river of shit, or find yourselfup shit creek without a paddle. You can slice shit, spread shit,dunk shit or jump shit, and some people just can't cut the shit.
There is fun shit and dull shit, silly shit and serious shit.Sometimes you really need this shit and sometimes you don't want anyshit at all. You can stir shit, kick shit or stick your ass out thewindow and shit on the world. Sometimes everything you touch turnsto shit and other times you swim in a lake of shit and come outsmelling like a rose.
Shit! When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basicbuilding block of creation. This means the universe did not beginwith a BIG BANG but rather with a BIG DUMP. Keep that in mind thenext time you flush the toilet. And remember, once you know yourshit, you don't need to know anything else!