The female specie is indeed a truly complex being, not just anatomically but thru the way our mind works and all those complicated-always misunderstood by the opposite gender way of thinking. Yes yes, as I quote from a friend 'Why are you women so complex...making life difficult for us men!' hhaha...
Sometimes...I have no clue as to what's boggling about up there in my mind. Complex it is indeed. Sighz. Life seems to be going on pretty fine for me so far, but that's just the surface, so what's there to complain about rite? Well...let's just say emotionally-I'm still lurking in the dark. So if u were thinking of even asking me...Ja! What's bothering you???.... I properly, coz in the first place I don't even know what's really bothering me! But thanks for the concern nonetheless!
For one, I think there's this feeling within that tells there's something lacking. Ok, now now, there's nothing to do with guys or whatsoever here! *I knew u ppl would be thinking towards that direction* I'm talking about qualities that makes one feel more whole. Was just thinking to myself last night, I feel as if I need to learn to be more selfless. I seriously have no clue why this suddenly popped into my head...but yea. You know?it's called REFLECTIONS. *OOoooo* Well, I don't feel that I'm totally NOT selfless at all, it's just that I know that I can be MORE selfless. In all honesty, there are times when there's this voice within, telling me not to bother helping others coz u start questioning one's self as to whether there's any point or good from doing so. But then again, ur heart tells u otherwise...Ya ok, I'm not the perfect person...I'm only human! Don't tell me no one feels this way before. I try to help if I can, but sometimes u just feel so drained and tired from helping other, especially when there's no 'appreciation'. So yea, that's why I said I need to learn to be more selfless... I'm trying though!
I know of some friends who I really look up too and it really makes me wonder how they are able to just keep giving. I think for one, my mum is such a person. They are not perfect either, but I really admire the extent they are able to just reach out and constantly give without complaining. Sometimes I just find it soooooo hard. It takes time... I guess this is prob a period of self-reflection and some serious soul searching...hahhaa?sounds so deep ya! But yea, I think its good practice!