average randomness of zero proportions...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Show me the meaning

Great, I've totally lost touch with the on-going festivals in Singapore!
I've ony realised 2 mins ago from my housemate that the mooncake festival is already over back home! I think she must have thought what an idiot i was....then again, i was never good with calendar dates, esp those dealing with the traditional chinese festivals...(dates with hot guys are a totally different thing...i like!)

Anyway, point being...I totally missed the Lantern Festival! *gosh* Then again, that's not my main point....

My point is...our traditional chinese festivals are slowly loosing their meaning and significance! Not just the mooncake festival, but even chinese new yr as well....hey, come on...CNY used to be a special time for family reunions and some festive mood....NOW....i mean, there's still all the reunions and stuff, but i think the real meaning has totally been forgotten...the meaning now; reunions and visiting is to collect ang baos = more money, going to ppl's house = gamble more and collect even more ang baos, and if u're not the gambling sort, then = more booze! So there u go...

Same goes for the mooncake festival...i still recall when i was a kid, i simply loved this festival, i always looked forward to carry those paper lanterns, walking round the estate (ok, i dunno what kick i got out of it, but i thought it was cool!) Oh and of coz, i used to hang out at the nearby playground with the neighbourhood boys and play with candles...and we used to make mini explosives...and of coz, eating mooncakes...i only liked the green snow skined ones, minus the yolk!
Right now, despite not being in sg at the moment, i've seen the trend over the recent years that the mooncakes festival just seems like another normal day...u hardy see kids carrying lanterns, and if they did, it was all those ugly fugly battery operate ones...come on man...what fun is there out of those stuff...and besides, its more expensive as well! How abt just getting together with family and eating mooncakes??? Where's the Love ya all? Ok, I really have no idea what i'm ranting about...but i just feel that this mordernisation of the chinese traditions and festivals is kinda getting a lil' scary....i mean, in another 10 yrs, maybe less, what would mooncake festival and even CNY be like? I really wonder...will it still be the same...i kinda doubt....

Closed her eyes at |9:08 PM|

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Battle of the Radio Stations

No offence here, but I really have to admit that the Perth radio stations kinda suck big time!
It's seriously kinda crap. I really miss all the singapore radio stations...
I love music...i really do....

Back home, if I'm at home,the radio in my bedroom would just be on pretty much the entire day, whether I'm physically in the room or parents, esp dad keeps nagging at me for wasting electricity, i think he finally doesn't buy the excuse that i always use 'No, don't switch it off...I'm going into my room again!'
Speaking of which, i really miss my funky orange and white radio at home...all i have now is my FM Radio/discman which i use to tune into the local aussie channels when i have nothing better to listen to.

In fact, I've actually resorted to listening to the Singapore radio stations online lately after finding out there was a more reliable site to it, coz the mediacorp website that i used to use was really laggy and it just kept having to buffer ever so it just spoils then entire mood and feel of the song. Come to think about it, i was just sitting ard a couple of days ago and listening to Power 98 online...they were having some call in thing, and funny, but it actually felt good to listen to the local listeners who called in speaking singlish once just makes u feel as if u're back home...I can't believe it, but i really miss listening to ppl speaking's so singaporean! I mean, here in aust, i don't really think i use singlish as much, well, excpet when talking to our own singaporeans of coz!

It used to be a routine every morning when i wake back in Sg to switch my radio on...i really love the morning show on Class 95FM...just perks and kick starts ur day in a way. Well, i say i hate the perth radio stations coz the songs the air are really limited and kinda boring. There's no range, unlike those back home...somehow, so long as there's some new release or some top hit, they think that eveyone love to listen to it so they just keep playing in like 4 hrs the same song can be air like 3 times! Just like a couple of days ago, i think i heard the song 'Don't Cha' by the Pussycat Dolls played over 5 times within half a day! Hey, doesn't mean a particular song is a hit, everyone wants to listen to fact, they tend to overplay the songs here to the extent that u start to find urself hating the song u used to love! I'm serious! Ahhh...this is good, Power 98 's playing a remix of 50 cents 'party in the club' ....oh ya, i dun seem to hear them play remixes here...sad sad sad!

Oh ya, and the things the DJ's say can get really dodgy at times....not that the sg radio station are perfect in any sense, but u know,there's a difference bwt stupid, crappy,lame and 'what the hell?' ...u know the kind if u could see the Dj u would want to stare at him/her and give some blur cock face and say 'huh?' Ok, i think the irritation of missing the local flava is getting into me...well, thank god for online radio....

It's 2am now....i'm tired but i dun really feel like sleeping...
suppose to play tennis at 1030am tmr....hmmmm....

Closed her eyes at |1:53 AM|

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Something's Lacking

Have u ever felt that life was just getting a tad too monotonous for ur liking???
It's like despite having a decent amount of activites lined up in a week...u still feel that it's not enough, and that there's just this 'SOMETHING' that's lacking.

It's not like I sit at home, locked up in my room all day or anything.
Apart from the daily routines of uni, a lil revison at nite...i occupy myself with sports, hanging out with friends, chilling, sources of entertainment...etc. So, why is it that I still feel this way?

I think I'm just sick of the daily routine thing...i need some change...but what change? Something's lacking...but what? This is tough...

Closed her eyes at |12:16 AM|

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