average randomness of zero proportions...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Something's Lacking

Have u ever felt that life was just getting a tad too monotonous for ur liking???
It's like despite having a decent amount of activites lined up in a week...u still feel that it's not enough, and that there's just this 'SOMETHING' that's lacking.

It's not like I sit at home, locked up in my room all day or anything.
Apart from the daily routines of uni, a lil revison at nite...i occupy myself with sports, hanging out with friends, chilling, sources of entertainment...etc. So, why is it that I still feel this way?

I think I'm just sick of the daily routine thing...i need some change...but what change? Something's lacking...but what? This is tough...

Closed her eyes at |12:16 AM|

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