Just last night my brother and I were channel surfing the telly and happen to come across this so called reality show that was featured on AXN...
It was entitled: MAN VS BEAST
OK, so in the first place....wat kind of f**king reality show title is that! Not that I can think of any other better name for the show...but come on man! Surely BEAST leh! I think the producers of the show were trying to make it sound SCARY....so they used BEAST, instead of some cheesy title like Who's More Superior, or Humans VS Animals...that would sound a tad too 'soft'...not fierce enough!
Anyway, for those of u who have not gotten the chance to see the stupid show or have no access to cable TV, it's seriously one of the most ridiculous shows that I've ever watched. I just feel that it's damn degrading and humiliating not only to the 'stupid, deluded' participants of the show but to the animals as well! I swaer animal activist will complain and petition against that show! OK, so the main point of the show....apparently one day the producers of the show had a meeting and thought that just for an experiment... it would be 'FUN' to conduct competitions between humans and animals. So they took a human who's like superior and excels in a certian area and put him/her up against another animal, from that...they see who wins! So yea...surely nothing better to do rite!
Let me just give u a few egs:
Competition 1-
Event: Fastest HotDog Eater (or i shd say globber)
Aim: Winnner is the 1st to finish 50 hotdogs
Competitors: Some Jap Dude who's the World record holder for eating the most number of hotdog bread in ??mins. VS A Grizzly Bear.
Verdict: Mr. Grizzly Bear won Japo by 2mins and 45secs
Competition 2-
Event: Tug of War (who's strongest)
Aim: Your regular tug of war with competitors standing on some platform thingy, winner is the one who can pull opponent into this yucky pool of mud
Competitiors: This Yokozuna Sumo wrestler VS a female adult orang utan
Verdict: Bloody Ape won la! [oh man, u shd have seen the sumo wrestler belly flop into the pull of mud!!!! it was a sight indeed]
Competition 3-
Event: 100m Sprint
Aim: Who crosses the 100m mark first
Competitiors: This american sprinter who's apparently holding one of the fastest sprint times (i think he took part in the olympics b4..not too sure abt that info though) Vs a Giraffe and a Zebra.
Verdict: Human guy won the Giraffe but overall....Mr Stripy Zebra won by like 50m! (i think he got inspired by his fellow mate in the movie Racing Stripes!)
Competition 4-
Event: Who's stronger???
Aim: To see who's the 1st to pull a Jumbo Jet across 25m
Competitiors: 44 human dwarfs VS an African Elephant
Verdict: Elephant won!
OK, so as u can see...super stupid rite! Oh my goodness, i can't believe i watched the entire show! As much as I do not support the production or airing of such a show, i was really amused by it! I just couldn't believe that such talented ppl would be so dumb to take part a competition where they are put up against an animal. Surely the human competition are insufficient to satisfy their competitive needs...still need to make themselves look ridiculous when they are up against an animal. Do they not have any sense of pride in them? Don't u reckon that its so degrading and humiliating? I mean i dun even care whether the the human or the animal wins...it's just not rite! I mean i'm there watchin the show and i see the poor animals...i really pity them!
Come on man...we are humans, already appointed and made by GOD as the superior beings on planet Earth! These animals all have their own special talents and strong areas which they use for adaptation for their own personal survival! I just feel that in no way are we even suppose to test God's creation by doing such pathetic stuff! I seriously dunno how the competitiors feel man. For one i just pity the animals...they look so lost coz aside from the fact they may know what they are doin....they dun even know Why the Hell they are doing it...it's two totally differnt things to be actully doin and knowing the reasons for doing so! Arghhh....unbelievable!
OK, even though i watched the show...I have to honestly say that i totally DO NOT support the freakin show! One thing's for sure...I'm makin sure i'm not gonna watch it again!
What's your opinion of featuring such shows????