average randomness of zero proportions...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I think...

my neighbour just above me is weird!

Honestly I don't know him that well...
but from the looks of it, I have a feeling he's an easily irritable person.
Haha, so much for being judgemental here.

I think he can't tolerate noise, period!
I mean it!
He seems to be easily affected by every single audible noise within the raduis of the apartment we are staying in.
I really think he needs to chill.

Why i say so?
He loves opening and closing his bedroom window.
Everytime there some noise, he closes the window.
When the noise subsides he re-opens it.
Grass cutter, neighbours talking/washing floor, gardening, ppl singing a happy birthday song, neighbour opposite the road who loves to throw damn happening big parties, me laughing too loud, drunkards walking along the street....the list goes on.
For one, his window is awfully obviously i know when he opens/closes it.
It needs some serious oiling.
Secondly, he doesn't just close it, he loves to slam it shut!
I can hear him closing it from my living room!

It draws me to 3 conclusions:
1. He really has nothing better to do. He seems really free to even bother abt all the nosie that goes on even though its like 3pm in the afternoon!
2. He really doesn't have a life! He seems to be locked up in his room all the time!
3. I think he gets a pretty decent arm workout from just opening/closing the window several times a day!

But HELLO!!!! Sometimes he's at fault too! I know when he's watching those webcast soccer matches (i even know who scored the goals!)..coz its really loud..and he likes chinese music! Hey i dun spy on him ok...the fact i can hear it loud and clear from my room speaks for itself!

Ooooo...i'm so evil!

Closed her eyes at |4:01 PM|

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