average randomness of zero proportions...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ja Rambling On Again

Damn, it's Sunday again... and for the entire week I haven't really done much except slack away!
Arghhh! Someody save me and wake me up inside!
I tell you, this 3 day week timetable that I have this semester is not doing me any justice in getting one step closer to my degree! Then again, nothing would really satisfy me coz even when I used to have my 5 or 6 day week over the past 2 years, I kept complaining that it was unfair as compared to my other friends who didn't have to rock up to uni that often.... it also didn't help that I had long days. BUT now, with my super slack timetable.... I seem to be becoming even more slack. I'm such a bum! I keep telling and reminding myself to get at least some work and revision done on a certain day, but it either usually doesn'y happen, if not its not productive. Arghhh.... what's happening to me. What happen to that old nerdy, overly hardworking me! It's times like these I wished that the nerdy me would take its place!
I'm so hard to please!
Nothing seems to be enough...
I really think I need to learn to be more contented with what I have.
Be a little more appreciative of the little things in life.
On a sidenote, I woke up this morning feeling really sore. I'm aching all over especially my thighs, upper arms and traps. The consequence of too much running, swimming and weights! Having finally being to get back to exercising has been great, considering that I was really horridly sick for 2 weeks. I felt as if I had really bad withdrawal symptoms just form not exercising.... and now I think I'm jumping into all of it a tad too quickly.... but I really love the sense of euphoria u get from sweating it off.... and all the pain u sufferr post exercise!
To the pool it shall be later....

Closed her eyes at |10:33 AM|

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