average randomness of zero proportions...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cardiac Rehab Pract

It's been a hectic week for me.

I'm just glad that Health Awareness Week project is finally over....i thought it was such a crappy and usless assignment! Sucha waste of precious time!

I'm glad its Friday again. Had a pretty long morning today. Started on my practicum attachment with this private cardiac rehabilitation company. I must say I'm really enjoying this pract experience even though it takes up quite a it of my time. We went round to 2 gyms today where we had to help patients with their rehab program. It was cool. My pract supervisor is real nice and knowledgable, on top of that, the patients are so friendly too! It just makes work and doing the pract so much more interesting.

I was basically going round the gym checking on all my supervior's patients and making sure that they were feeling alrite and were doing their prescribed exercises and workouts correctly. (most of these patients either had recent heart attacks or had operations to un-block their arteries or blood vessles to their heart) So it was interesting coz some of the patients were sharing with me their personal experience. It's really amazing how much just a little exercise makes a whole lot of difference to ur risk levels of a relaps. Most of them were really old...70 years and above, but they sure are looking damn fine post-op!

You can read up all the various medical textooks on cardio-vascular diseases, but nothing beats real life accounts striaght from the mouths of victims themselves.

One of the guys, who's abt 78 years of age was just sharing with me how one nite at the stroke of midnite he just had this sudden massive heart attack. He didn't experience any prior sympotms and was fairly fit and healthly. Aparently, the doctors told him that as he was rushed to the hospital, he actually 'died' 3 times in the ambulance and 1 time on the operating table! Holy cow! U have a heart attack, died 4 times within the hour and still live to tell the tale! He's sure one heck of a lucky dude! He was also just sharing how this entire thing has led him to view life in a whole new and different perspective.

With the number of patients coming in and out, it just goes to show how widespread heart-related diseases are worldwide! What's worst is that as it used to be an 'old-age' disease.... it's now even affecting the younger generation (there were a couple of really young patients in their early 30's!)... think abt it - it's really scary!

So guys.... treat ur heart nicely ok! Exercise, eat well, don't smoke...

Had another follow up session with my physiotherapist. I managed to extend my back 20degress... which is up 10degrees from my previous session. Ya, i know, pathetic right! But at least its getting its range of motion back!

Closed her eyes at |1:48 AM|

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