average randomness of zero proportions...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The art of Pronunciation

I personally think that the English language is one of the hardest languages to learn apart from Tamil and German, especially if its not your first language. It may seem easy to speak it for most, but I'm referring more to the nitty-ditty detail behind the art of pronunciation and the many similar meanings that a single word can hold. Amazing isn't it.

This all started during the first aid course that 3 of my colleagues and I attend over the past 4 days. Being real bored during the sessions, we decided to to play a game and test each other on commonly mispronounced words. It was hell funny man... coz we'll spell the word and the others were supposed to try pronounce it correctly. So here are some examples. Give it a shot. I'll post the proper pronunciation next time.

1. Salmon
2. Almond
3. Baton
4. Three
5. Athlete
6. Plastic
7. Nuclear
8. February
9. Sorbet
10. Film

Just for the fun of it, we also threw in some French words...

1. Baguette
2. Grand Prix
3. Peugeot
4. Lingerie
5. Forte

We had more words, but they're not popping up in my head at the moment. When I do think of them I'll post them down.

Oh and one more just for fun, especially for the guys out there. Did you know that the word 'Bra' is not actually a proper word. It's only the short form of a word. We women just say the word 'bra' for convenience sake. Apparently most guys won't know this, some girlies don't too... so what's the proper word for 'Bra'???

Have fun!

Closed her eyes at |1:41 PM|

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