average randomness of zero proportions...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Oh Gilbert!
Last Sunday I finally got back to some Touch Rugby action. It was awesome fun, minus the aches and DOMS (delay onset of muscle soreness) especially in my calves which only set in when I woke up Tuesday morning!
The weather seemed pretty darn good in the morning, but apparently started raining around the West side of the island as we made our way there. But it was decided that the game would go on, thank God it was a passing shower!
Anyway, the field was still water logged and muddy in some areas, but what the hell right since we were all already down. Turn out was surprisingly good, honeslty didn't excpect that many players. Manged to get a 8-9 a side game going. I haven't played in a muddy field prob since I was a kid... for some reason, it just felt damn good coming out of the game all dirty with mud all over your clothes and legs. Kinda unleashed the inner kid within me. We had a good mix of players... majority of the guys were ex-school team ruggers so in a way there was a decent game going on. A couple of gals present as well... ok, actually it was just Joyce, Chels, Nari, 2 other gals and myself. I feel that it just makes the game a little more fun and even when more gals play.
Really love the group I play with. Even though we all don't really know each other that well, the guys are really nice and helpful. They give tips and at least will pass the ball to the gals, unlike many mixed games I've played previously, usually the guys tend to pass it amongst themselves. Not sure if it's just an ego thing or they prob think that us gals don't play as well. Well I really can't answer that. Nonetheless, 2.5 hrs of touch just went by like that... looking forward to this Saturday's game again! Please let the weather be good!
If anyone else is interested to join, feel free to let me know. Anyone's welcomed, regardless of skill level and knowledge of the game. You've gotta start somewhere anway! Cheers!
Closed her eyes at |10:25 PM|
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