Take a look at these 2 videos below. Never once has it failed to move me and put me back to perspective and realise that life ain't all that bad afterall. I first chanced upon them on an episode of Oprah several years back and till today, everytime I watch it, my eyes never fail to flood up with tears! The great lengths a father will go just for his son. An amazing story of a father's love. You should look at their race track records! It's...it's *gasp* AMAZING! I certainly couldn't do that, much less the weight of someone else!
Total Events
224 - Triathlons, 6 - Ironman distances, 5 - Half Ironman
20 - Duathlons
65 - Marathons, 25 - Boston Marathons
8 - 18.6 Milers
81 - Half Marathons
1 - 20K
35 - 10 Milers
29 - Falmouth 7.1 milers, 1 - Falmouth in the Fall Event
8 - 15K
208 - 10K
147 - 5 Milers
4 - 8K
17 - 4 Milers
101 - 5K
7 - 20 Milers
2 - 11K
1 - 7K
Total 958 events
Highly motivating and inspiring indeed. If only I could be as strong and brave as them, both father and son - Team Hoyt (click on the link to read learn more about their amazing journey together!) - I salute them!