Come on legs... just keep on running, keep on running!
Latest update: My poor index finger is still bloody swollen and pain! Not to mention, the bruied on my forearm and right butt check are showing their true colours! *sigh* Thank God it wasn't my right finger...!
On a happier note, I'm totally stoked and looking forward to the next 2 weekends! It's the Army Half Marathon aka Singapore Bay Run this coming Sunday and the NIKE Human Race 10km the week after! I'm actually really looking forward to the NIKE run. Not only because it's the first run I'll be doing with my sister, but the race itself is the first of it's kind! Knowing that you are part of the World's first largest running event makes it even more special.
Imagine, 25 cities around the world hosting this event, over a million runners all running at the same time dispite their respective geographical locations.... all for a good cause! It's so gonna be awesome. Hoping that I can do a good personal best timing for the Nike human race one... will see how it goes!