Picture of the Day??? "European milk farmers have dumped three million litres of fresh milk onto pastures and roads in a massive, organized protest against lowered dairy prices. In Belgium, farmers spread milk across roads near the southern town of Ciney. Elsewhere, about 300 tractors dragged milk containers through plowed fields in southern Belgium, dumping a day's worth of milk production in that region."** **Extracted from CBCnews.ca To read more click here! Milk farmers say prices dropped so low they had to sell products at half their production cost, leaving increasing numbers of farmers unable to pay their bills. To highlight their desperation, about 300 tractors dragged milk containers through plowed fields in southern Belgium, dumping a day's worth of milk production in that region.A protester spraying milk (direct from a cow's udder!!!) as part of their protest demanding greater support from the EU. Thousands of European farmers have brought Brussells to a standstill, spraying milk and manure onto the streets and pelting police with bottles and chickens in a protest against falling milk prices.