Susan trying to squash my head....u wanna know why....coz we have a love rivalry going on! *scandalous*
Apparently they reckon that I look better with my face covered....*SOBS*!
Group shot taken in Utopia...just chilling out!
Hmmmm....winter's supposetly coming to an end....but that doesn't seem to be the case the pass few days. It's been miserably raining the past few days, with the stong winds and cold's only the afternoon and my hands are semi-numb!
Hahhaa...yea, but that's not stopping me from enjoying my weekend. With my bloody lab report done, its time I deserve a little break over the weekend. Went for a swim on both sat and sun....was good. With chilly whethers like these, i reckon that heated pools are like the funkiest invention man! Today's swim was really good....did quite a few laps with Susan. Hahhaa....she's like my new exercise buddy. It quite interesting how we got quite a lot of interest in common, esp in the sporting area. Interestingly enough...she was from canoeing as well and just found out not too long ago that she just stays in the area like opposite the road to mine back in SG. Now how funky is that! Woohoo!
Anyway, most of my saturday evening was spent out yet again with my faculty peeps. Went to celebrate Min's birthday!!!! SO yea, we all had dinner at Viet Hoa.....this Vietnamise restaurant in northbridge. Yummy. Headed after that to Utopia once again for a chill out session. Hahha, sometimes i wonder how despite seeing each other everyday in sch we still have so much crap and nonsense to talk and share abt whenever we meet up. Hahhaah! But its good lah! No complaints there. Drank bubble tea and had a surprise cake for Min! Hmm...ok it wasn't exactly a proper birthday was a tiny MOONCAKE. As pathetic as it may sound, come on,its the thought that counts. In fact, we were saying that it was so much better, coz there was no wastage and its just fun to have something diff form the norm.
Gosh, I;ve really lost track of the thigns happening back in Singapore ever since I came here...Hmmmmnm, not too sure but if I'm not wrong, the mooncake festival was like yesterday? or somtimes soon lah....if it wasn't for the moon cake i wouldn't have known man. Hhaha...not bad eh...who said Perth didn't have no mooncakies! hahaha!
Feeling pretty drained and tired from my swim this afternoon. Better get some revision done soon.
WooHooo....I'm feeling so much happier and relaxed now! Why? Coz I've finally completed my psychology lab report!!!!! YEah!!!! Was actually supposed to start at the beginning of this week...but obviously, was to slack to even bother! The lazy bug has really got me man! Damn! This is bad bad bad!!!!
Anyway, none the less, I'm really proud of myself. After school today, spent the entire day since then struggling away, trying to complete the lab report. Pretty impressed how I got along with it. What's most important is that it's done and I'm happy. My weekends are just filled with too many fun yea, suffer now....enjoy later!!! whole saturday would technically be gone....going out with the human movement peeps coz it's Min's Bdae tmr, so we're all going to have dinner together! Heehee! Yuppie!
It's really cold tonight...Brrrrr....freezing man! The weather here is crazy lah! So miserable....everyday rain rain rain....and more RAIN!
Seems like all the energy and life has been sucked out of me! Been feeling really tired so easily....ok, so one factor due to my unearthly hours and amt of sleep each night....and in addition to all the sports and games that I've been playing!
U's like u wake up feeling all sleepy, drag urself out of bed and down to uni...there u try ever so hard to be all attentive and listen to the lecturers.....but when friends talk to u or when it comes to the end of each lect u suddenly feel all revitalised! hahhaa....yea...then u get home feeling all tired again....flop on ur bed and tell urself that u're just gonna take a PROLONGED BLINK...but thing u know...ur friends call u out to play a game of ultimate or whatever sport...and u're all energised again.....then when u actually try to settle down to do some work....YAWNNN..... *siGhz*
ANyway, I'll feeling all sore now...after another round of ultimate frisbee left claf which was in the process of recovering is now hurting more badly than ever....and groin hurts too! of all places rite!!! Got rammed down by the other team a couple of times when trying to defend and intercept the frisbee....OUCH! Argghhhh!!!! Like what my friend said...I'm really slowly breaking and falling apart....*yikes*
Haiz....I'm really disappointed with myself man-- didn't do that well for my last OB test....was expecting something much for trying to maintain good high grades for my assignments and tests! DAMN! Damn sad lah! Oh well....guess it just means that I've gotta buck up more!!!!
Sianz....the assignments are just coming in one after the other.....non-stop man! Now I've got this Psy lab report to complete on social influences in society! It's interesting a topic to cover but...I hate wrting lab reports....esp when they're so strict on format and word limit.....give me something w/o any word limit and it'll make a my a hell lot simpler! Stupid APA format! WHY! Not that anyone really cares right? I mean it's just stuff for ppl to they just read.....heck the format! Pissed off lah! Just making life difficult for poor souls like me! Hahhah!
The weather has been really crappy here too....been really windy and chilly....and it's damn strong lah....and adding to that....rain rain ...and more RAIN!!!!! So in other's bascially just CRAP!
Hmmm...I think i'll go take a PROLONGED BLINK for awhile....heehee *Wink*
After a great game of Volleyball....huddle all together now...SMILE!
Clubbing scene here in Perth!!! WooHoo!!! Hey Mambo!!!
After a game of Ultimate Frisbee!!!
Sitting here in my room,trying to complete my biology tutorial.....outside the howling of the wind, the rustling sound of the leaves on the trees outside and the sound of my window blind flapping......GAIL force winds are blowing outside man!!!!!! How funky!!!!'s cold....
Anyway, today's OB test was pretty ok lah...average i would say. So tired today after a pretty long tight day in Uni....and with the lack of sleep i've been getting....yup, flopped on my bed...zzzzzzz.....
Headed to study in the library later in the evening....pretty productive i would say....yuppie....still have yet to start on my psychology lab report...dunno what in the world to write man, and its due next monday!!!! I promised myself that I would die die get it done tmr! Cannot afford to do last minute work in such a situation! Realised after my frist sem how such daily assignment marks actually help pull ur final grade up by so much! Gotta work hard!
Hahaha....headed over to Susan's house for supper with Aaron. That's it man....if I'm gonna continue with this late night indulgence thing....I'm so gonna turn into this big lump of blob! That's it...To the GYM it is for me tmr after lecture!!!!! Must keep fit!!!!! Was really funny walking home with Aaron....had to walk against the strong I tell u, could feel urself getting blown back.....last I heard, he told me that the trees and branches in the uni compound were like here and there , broken off lying on the ground...and that he nearly got blown off his bike while cycling home....somuch for it being WINTER here in perth! *oh bother*
It's miserable I tell u! Hope it doesn't rain in the morning tmr....if not going to sch would be such an inconvinence! I hate walking in the rain esp when u're all presentably dress!
Well..back to work it is for now.....
Nothing better to do on a great sunny Saturday morning??....or just bored to death???.....Hahhaa...PLAY VOLLEYBALL!!!!
Despite sleeping close to 5am this morning....headed down to the Uni's Recreational Center abt 10am to join the rest of my human movement faculty mates for a game of VOLLEYBALL!!!! The turn out was good....think it was the biggest turn out ever for a social game that we organised....abt 15 ppl!!! Way Cool! Keeping into consideration that the asian population within our faculty is like real small!
So typical human movement peeps....usually grps of friends would more often than not meet up and like chill/hang out somewhere...but we meet up for all sorts of sporting ultimate frisbee, swimming, running, volleyball....wonder what's next....kayaking??? Hmmmm....*ponder* Anyway, I think it's way cool lah....great way to socialise and have fun with ur mates! Great workout too..!!!! Hardly get to do these sort of stuff back in SG!
The game was great fun....hmmm....even though I've only played it like during PE lessons back in those JC days....where u didn't know the proper rules and stuff! Hmmm....I must say that when I started off...I really sucked tot he max! Hahahh! Was like making a complete FOOL of myself....but faculty peeps were supportive and helpful....they never put u down even though u're really lousy like me....instead they cheer for u and encourage u!!!! It makes u feel good and in fact u tend ot learn and pick up the skills faster rather than getting put down all the time! I must admit that by the end of the game, I kinda had some least I could hit the ball....errrr...but direction wise...i shall keep hush hush! hahhaha! Well, at least one thing for sure I could serve the ball!!!! That's a start! Woooppie! Well, have to work on my setting and the control of my hitting direction....the ball never seems to go where i want it too! *HumpH* Yup...great game alright!
After the game....think my impression of volleyball in general has changed....always thought it was like a real boring sport and that it was not as exciting and action filled as compared to others....boy was I wrong... kinda took a liking to the game afterall!!! hahahaha....Headed down to Susan's house after the game with Isaac, Edwin,Ben and Marcus coz she offered to cook us lunch....yummy...cooked Yee Mee....Thanxs Sue! Hmmmm...think my forarms are a little soar now....heehee
*sighz* My Organisational Behaviour text is lying on my table and staring at me's like calling out to me to open it and continue with my reading....gosh....feeling damn slack and in a crappy mood right now! Just feel like jumping into and snuggling up in my bed! but...I HAVE AN OB TEST ON MONDAY!!!!! cannot cannot...must study...okok...dunno what's happening to me man...think I've lost my self-motivational drive within me........
It's a tiring day today....lack beauty sleep man!
The dark eye rings are APEEARING!!!! ARHHHH!!!!
Finally! The stupid Haemochromatosis essay test is over:
wrote like mad...hands nearly felt as if they were going to fall out!
Never really understood why there had to give such a short time frame for it!
Half an hour is too little....i need to protest!
Then u see....later they say we write with unligetimate handwriting...
sometimes, its so hard to please them! Bloody hell!
It's a short blog today coz I'm tired....
later will be going to Tiamo Cafe to hang out with my HM mates...
Woooo....another week gone by and yet another started! How fast! That's not good! As much as it's a day closer to going back to SG, it also means 1 day less before the exams! *sighz*
Anyway, this is bad, start of the week and already I'm feeling tired! Well, not due to the lack of sleep....more like been playing to much! Hit the gym in the afternoon and earlier on this evening, had a great 2 hour game of Ultimate Frisbee again! It's really starting to become this weekly human movement gathering sort of thing, which is way cool! I think it's a really good way to just take a break from school work, hang out and socialise with friends and simultaneously keeping in shape! Afterall...we are doing a sports science degree!
Today's game was GREAT i tell u....I reckon it was one of the better games that we've played so far! was a match between the Year 1's VS the Year 2's! Unfortunately, our seniors won us.....(by luck i would say...opps!) but a good game none the less....I must saluate Isaac Lim Gui Jia....he's one hell of a player...agile, fast and pretty much accurate throwing and catching! Don't look down on him becoz of his size, coz he's one MEAN Thing! Hhahaha! Full of crap too I must add! *yuppie* study,...test
There is no mountain higher than the wall
That comes between two people once in love.
But time can tear a mountain down with tears
As former lovers slowly move towards touch.
There is no happiness in hard, cold anger
Twisted like a girder in one's way.
The sun and rain can manage to grow flowers
Across the bleakest crust of lava plain.
So we, too, I hope, can manage friendship
Upon the battlefield of past defeat.
I would not want to lose our years of loving
To moments caught for good in bitter light.
Sometimes dreams are better off not real.
Old yearnings drain away through open gates.
Regretfully I tell you how I feel,
Returning both of us to former states,
Yet with wounds that time will have to heal.
JOSH: As much as it hurts, I'm really glad that we're still able to remain as good friends!
I've always treasure and enjoyed ur company.
We've been through quite a bit, and the pass few months indeed have been tough.
Sure great to hear ur voice again!
The feelings have changed, but sure has not faded....
You'll always be someone special and dear to Me!
Shall catch up with u when I return.....
Don't forget my Roti Prata treat! Can't wait!
Take care......
Chilling out in Utopia! Cheers!
and the HM HUNKS...errrr....BOYS....
Ahhhh....yes,the weekend was jolly good indeed! A weekend well spent! Too well infact! To the extent that I had to resort to last minute work again! SIghz!
I've finally organised my time and planned my workout routine....on every weekend (sat and sun) will be 'Swimming Day' Thank God for such funky technology like heated pools....makes winter swimming session so much more enjoyable! To the person who came up with the idea...Kudoos to U! *hugs* Swimming has been great fun so far, despite my loss in stamina and fitness level that have totally gone down the drain since those good old kayaking days! Been spending this weekend correcting and fine tuning my strokes,especially my freestyle which I find lots of difficulty doing. But thanxs to the wonderful HM seniors like Susan, Wilfred and Jeff.....finally, some improvement and definitely more confident! CHeers! Will continue trying!!! Jia You!!!! Kam Ba Te!
Saturday nite was yet another Human Movement (HM) outing day! Managed to pull lots of ppl to come ended up with like 13 ppl going from the origianl pathetic group of 4!!! Hahhaah....really LOVE my HM group of ppl. It's a fact if u wanna say that within the entire uni, amongst the asian international students studying in UWA, the HM faculty has the closest bond amongst all! Partly due to the fact that we have the smallest number of asian international students, so naturally, it's easier to get to know each other! But it's really great to see the connection and easy going, fun-loving interactions going on between the different years! It's such a warm open and approachable...always ready to help and be there for each other! What more can i ask for man....
ANyway, went for a yummy dinner @ Good Fortune Restaurant in Northbridge. Ordered quite a few was good! Was feeling so hungry esp after an afternoon of swimming! HAd the usually teasing, suanning, photo taking and chatting sessions throughout.....
Headed to Utopia (bubble tea cafe) nearby, to continue with our chill out session.....the entire atmosphere was so warm and chatty....really enjoyed my day. Took even more pixs and just chatted abt general stuff over bubble tea! *Slurps* Can't imagined how time flew by so quickly especially when one was having so much fun! It was intended to be a short just go grab dinner and head home...but NO! All of us got too carried away and ended up heading home close to midnight! hAHAHAHA!
Sunday Afternoon.....went for a swim again, the weather today was so good i tell u! Cool wind blowing but the sun was up high shining so brightly....felt so good...and yes, now my face is red! *sulks* (but does make me look cuter and more bubbly..!!! dun u agree ppl?)
Spent the rest of the evening after I came back from church trying to complete and figure out how i was to write a good essay piece on HAEMOCHROMATOSIS..... glad to say that it's fianlly complete after much distractions from the olympics on the telly, phone calls and ppl talking to me on MSN. This essay is really killing me i have to memorise it so that i can just go in ot my Bio Lab on wed and just vomit everything out! *puuuiiiiii*
Yes...only another half hour to the grand opening of the long awaited Olympics in Athens (Greece) 2004! Hip Hip Hurray! 4 years of waiting to once again catch in on screen...and 4 years of training gone for the athletes to prove to the world who's the best in their individual elements! All the best to them man!
This is gonna be bad....Olympics= sit in front of TV= no need to do work already=sure how how! Still got an essay test to prepare and study for by this wed and another psychology lab report to be handed in by the end of the month! NO!!!!!! Now that the Olympics are gonna get broadcasted, there not much of a possibility that I'll be able to fully concentrate on my's been the same for the past few years whenever the Olympics were on. Damn! Just love watching the swimming, track and field, gymnastics, beach volley,table tennis events and many others, just to name a few. I really do hope that this time round I'll be able to catching the rowing and kayaking events since I'm in Aust! Rowing and kayaking's kinda in a bigger scene here as compared to home so yea,never managed to catch it then. Hopefully this time round I would have an extra event to look forward to watching and cheering on for! YEAH!
Ahhhh...Olympics...back in the birth nation: Athens-Greece.... how funky is that...gonna really be an eventful and significant Olympics I must say! Sighz....I really do love the sports science degree that I'm pursuing now....really beats the hell out of shopping to the max! Just watching it fills u with exhilaration and fact, I've always respected ppl in the sporting industry, and esp the competitive athletes themselve! Cheers to them man!
ANyway, nothing really special happened today though....uni in the morning...
Headed down to Subiaco with Chels in the afternoon to do out grocery shopping....oh and yes yes...i finally bought beads from the wonderful bead shop! hhahaha! Yes, after dinner, was hanging out in Chelsea's room- earring making session for the both of us. Yea cool...self made earrings! Originality, individuality of taste and uniqueness....pretty pretty! I'm proud to say that I made two pairs for myself and I'm impressed with my own workmanship! hahahah! OOOooooo...pretty dangling earrings!
Oh and while Chels and I were in the supermarket today, saw this really cute guy in there buying groceries as well! Heehee...he was all docked up in his cycling tights, red top and had this huge backpack that he was lugging in his back. The both of us were like stalking him lah....crazy gals right! Hey come on...cute guy ok! But yea...Chels saw him first. He's not the typical cute handsome looking sort...very pleasant, clean cut, cute butt, nice tone lean but built body! Yum! Hahhahah! oh no....i sound really.....errr....never mind! We were standing outside waiting for mish to pick us up when thru the glass panel, we saw HIM checking out at the counter just behind us....hhahaah...both of us got all giggly and excited....and yes, the ever enthuastic wanna-be pro-photographer quickly took out her E700 mobile and started to capture a few shots of him, using me in the background kinda as a cover up, so as not to be obvious! sly eh!
Anyway...he finally walked out and according to the deluded CHelsea...she claims that as he was walking pass the both of us,he gave her a friendly smile (which i think she was bluffing me....just to get me jealous...that deluded gal! kidding) the funny part was when we were reversing from the parking lot, we saw him riding his bicycle, all fully geared in sunnies and helmet...and from the back..I've drew a conclusion.....CUTE BUTT! I tell u....he's the sort of guy who's smile literally 'melts a woman's heart' !!!! U've gotta believe me when i say this! Then again, when our car drove pass this junction, both Chelsea and I turned our heads like almost simultaneously and screaming....'CUTE GUY' ....yes yes, we spotted the exact same guy on his bike at the traffic light *it's a sign!!!!* the both of us looked like 2 gals gone all disconnection in thebrain...according to the pretty accurate conclusions drawn by the 2 of us...he stays ard the Subi area and he's most prob a Metrosexual! Hhahaha...
I think I've just tarnished the reputation of my housemate and myself...oh well chels, fret not....We're prefectly normal gals.....!!!!!!!!
*YAWN* woke up once again for my weekly early morning jump rope classes. The lessons are getting more complex and the moves harder! Surprisingly, what was taught in today's class seemed really intimidating....but it actually turned out ok. (hmmm...maybe its becoz i'm good? errrr....ok i shall shut up!) Had to do this underarm skip move thing and this double rope co-ordinated jump stuff. Cool...but still yucks! Dun like skipping man!
Had my human biology lab quiz today....was pretty ok i guess, but damn careless, left out an important point in one of my answers....there goes 1 free mark! DAMN! Call me a perfectionist whatsoever, but i aim to get like really constant high grades this sem...i mean afterall, who wouldn't want to right? Lab quiz was on the cardiac system....although i did hope that the digestive system one was tested instead! *sighz*
This afternoon headed down to the city after uni....was gonna meet ANNA aka COW!!!!!!!! She's here in Perth too man!!! YUPPIE! She's such a dearie to me. Known her for the pass 9 years....same church and sch back home in SG. Pretty close back in sec sch...those times were great. I call her COW (coz there was this one point in time where she had this crazy implusive infactuation over cows ...imaginary purple cows that is!...crazy gal!) and this gal here calls me CHICKEN...which till this day, i know not why! Hahahah! YEa man, she just came over this semester to do this degree in Biomedical science....but she's in Murdoch University! She's only here for a year coz she went to poly, which gave here credits so yea, she just had to complete the final year....lucky gal! Unlike me here....still another 2 years to go!
Anyway, it was so good to see here again! Felt that is was like so unreal and stuff....can't believe that even here in Perth when u think u're away from Singapore....u still see so many farmilar faces ard! *gasps* Well, spent the afternoon in the city, walking and showing her around...she did some shopping, bought herself this funky pants! Felt good to have her company....she's been one of the few close friends that I have who really understands me well enough, and who knows how i think and feel. Someone who i can really talk too and share all my problems with, w/o worrying of being judged. We've been there for each other thru think and thin! Kinda drifted apart after I went to JC but met up with each other every other Sunday in church!
Humph...this gal! First thing she saw me she made this comment.."Ah...Chicken...did u shrink? U seem shorter!" Kao....*sulks* She's claims I grew shorter since I left, which I dun think so! Anna how could u!!!!! U see, my dear friend Anna is like this really tall gal lah! Anna...u good! It was a great outing, spent most of our time sitting down over food and doing some catching up and sharing of stuff.... :) Never would I have expected her to even come over man! Wooohooo! Nana....must meet up again soon ya...this time we'll call Sandra along! Hahha...the 3 of us go back a long way! :) *winks*
Anyway, just now, my dearest housemate Chels was trying to correct my articulation problem over the word 'three' 'tree' 'teeth' 'thief' 'thanks'. I admit much as English is like my first language, I don't pronounce these words properly. It's like both my 'three' and 'tree' sound exactly the same when actually the word 'three' should have more prominent 'th' sound in front of it. Hey...come on, dun blame me...I know many ppl out there who commit the same mistake. I know for a fact that I have a super lazy way of talking....i tend to talk really quickly, and hence my words are not articulated properly....and according to my linguistics housemate....she claims that I don't open my mouth wide enough to articulate my words! Well,at least now, it sounds better....hahah....thanxs gal! (my mum keeps complaining that i talk to quickly!!! then again i think its like a convant sch thingy....coz my friends dun seem to have a problem understanding me and they talk equally as fast! MUMMY!)
Ok, back to practicing my human biology online test....*boring*
We are Singapore, We are Singapore,
We will stand togerther, hear the lion ROAR! ROAAaaaaaRRRR!!!!
This is home....truly...
where I know I must be....
Where my dreams wait for me....
where the river always flows....
This is home surely,
as my senses tell me...
this is where, I won't be alone....
coz this is where I knwo I'm HOME....
Gosh....I actually miss SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!! U seriously dun treasure what U have until u dun have it! Sighz....
ThIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!! The ALL BLACKS LOST!!!!!!!!!!!
Noooooo~~~ utterly impossible? How in the world can the Wallabies win???? This is so wrong, so not right, impossible,insane! yes, the match held on Saturday at the Telstra Stadium -- New Zealand All Blacks VS Australian Wallabies. The final score : 23-18 to Aust!
Apparently the aussies played damn well competing in the scrum and pressuring their lineouts.
Their twin terriers, Phil Waugh and man of the match George Smith, were dynamic in the loose, pilfering the ball at the breakdown. The only TRY of the night scored by winger Lote Tuqiri!
The saddest news of the night.....All Blacks replaced Carlos Spencer with Andrew Mehrtens in the second half!!!!!!!!!! Spency!!!!!!!!!! Sighz....they were saying he was not playing well that night....poor guy....still lub him very much though! So zai and all! Cannot take it man! *FAINTS*
The day the All Blacks play in Perth is the day I Chelsea and I will be the 2 happiest gals on Broadway! But sadly, they are pretty unlikely to do so coz they would much rather play in Sydney! Ta Ma DE!
GReat day it has been today...the weather's great, the sun is out and it's not all that cold....good weather for a change! So much for complaining that Singapore is so humid and in Perth u complain the weather is too warped and horrible coz one day its freezing cold and the next day its warm....crap up weather....Arghhhh. We are never satisfied are we???
How Refreshing...went for my first official swim here in Perth since I came!!!! Woopppie! Yes, first swim indeed. Used to do quite a bit of swimming when I was back in Singapore...still remembered how I would use to cycle to the pool to do my leisure laps....sighz....
Anyway, finally got my ass moving and with some persuading from some of my senior faculty ppl, got down for a good swim this afternoon. It's been so long man...hahah, but yes, I'm swimming in Perth. Well ok, technically if you don't count diving....then yea, it's my first like really first swim here. Went to the human movement pool...didn't have to pay coz my friend was doing lifeguard duty...way cool man! cheapo rite! My swimming kakis were great man....coz most of them work as life guards or teach swimming kinda thing,so yea, swimming with them was great coz they actually are really helpful and the really take time off to concentrate and correct ur strokes so that u swim more efficiently! It's good practice lah, coz next year I would have to do swimming for my human movement unit i mean it's never too late to start! Considering that the aussies are born to swim...better get a head start!
It was good coz i actually felt some improvement in the efficieny of my strokes.....they were also teaching me stuff like the dive start and the split stroke......many thanxs to Jeff, Wilfred and Susan for correcting me and just staying ard to help....I think I'm gonna make it a point to like swim every weekend....i mean its good think I've gotten quite serious into this workout thing! heehee...but its good lah...must keep it up! Jia You Ja!
Must prepare to go to church already.........
Hahaha....great, Mission 'Code E.E.L.I.S.E -21' was a success! Woooopppie! So happy for this gal man! How sweet, her houemate had been planning this surprise birthday party for her and the turn out was good! Cheers!
Yea, finally, this morning woke up....felt so much better after a good night's sleep! My back still hurts a little if i bend too much but its definitely a hell lot better than yesterday! At least I can move about more freely w/o much pain and restrictions!
Anyway,'s not Eelis's actual birthday today but we decided to hold it earlier coz it firstly its the weekend and secondly it would be a lots easier for it to be passed off as a surprise if it was not held on the actual day itself. Yes, indeed, my dear friends Eelis here turns a womanly 21 years old on Thursday!!!! HurrAy! Chels and I headed down to the city ealier this afternoon to get some stuff like drinks and her bdae all went well coz her housemate made sure that she brought her out so that the rest could set up and prepare dinner for her celelbration. Yea, she even passed the house keys to her friends ealy this morning so that they could come over to do the setting up! How nice right! Awwww! Anyway....had steamboat for yea, pretty easy preparations, just had to unpack all the seafood and stuff into bowls to be dumped into the soup. Yummy....never thought that i would actually manage to have a steamboat dinner here in Perth was such a good change in diet! My tummy never felt more satisfied...I just loce seafood man...but of coz i still love Chelsea's cooking! hahahah! * she would kill me and kick me out of the house if i din say that!*
Yea, so Chels and I and another 2 of Eelis's friends were there much earlier to do some preparations and setting up for the party....everything was done according to by one her friends started to arrive and when the big moment came....all of us hid in different corners of the house with the light turned off....and yes....SURPRISE!!! HAPPIE BIRTHDAY EELIS!!! I tell u the gal was almost sheadded tears man! How cute! I tell u....she's such a sweetie man...despite only having gotten to know her since I came to aust this year....she's been a great friend easy to get along with, and i just feel so comfortable3 talking to her! hahahha! Love the gal's attitude too man! Power sia! hahaha! U go gal-eelis!
Dinner was good...steamboat...YUM! Had like loads of variety of seasood stuff and like a choice between tom yam based soup and just the pain chicken stock soup. Something different and close to home for a change. Think the last time I ate it was during my reunion dinner sia! Got to know Eeli's friends from Curtin....they were such a funny lot...great and so interesting to see so many ppl with different characteristics and persoanlities....all I could say was that Chels and I were pretty amused by whatever they were saying or doing, warped man. It was really cool lah! There was this Indian guyb who was from kenya...(yea, bet u're thinking the same...from kenya????) yEA, but he's so funny! He kept trying to make all of us drink...I mean, afterall, what's a party w/o booze and drinks! We were all just chilling out, some were dacning....(they were playing bhangra music! COoL!) and we were just like talking amongest ourselves and he was trying to teach all of us how to scold vulgarities in their language back in Kenya! How cool! Hhahaha...yes words! Time for a change in vocab...sticking to the same meaning...!!!
Just got home...but feeling kinda heavy in the head at the moment...drank quite a bit...not to the extent of being drunk or high lah...but ok lah. Shall go and shower now...hit the books for awhile b4 I head to Lala Land! Nites.....gotta wake up early tmr man....
Friday....the week has sure gone by in a flash. Things this semester seem to have kinda speeded up a fold or two. Didn't remember the last semester going by as quick. ANyway..was kind of a short day for my coz my functional anatomy labs are only held on even weeks, so bascially just had 2 lectures to attend.
Was a pretty good day for me until I came back home after one of my lectures and started to feel that my lower back was aching. It kinda started this morning when I woke up but it wasn't that fact was pretty ignorant abt it---thought it was due to a bad night's sleep. The pain's ard the lower back area, somewhere ard the spial cord. Well, all I know is that it's definitely nothing to do with my spinal cord coz if not I wouldn't really be walking at the moment. It's most prob to do with the muscles ard that area. I really dunno how in the world it all came about coz I don't even recall doing anything to strain my back! Damn! It's hell pain! Those who know me well enough would know that I'm pretty sadistic when it comes to pain....but I tell u guys out there, this pain is definitely not arousing at all!
Had to go for my Organisational Behaviour Lecture in the afternoon and the walk there was almost killing me! Throughout the entire lecture just sat slumped in the chair, couldn't even sit up straight! KAo! Anyway, despite the pain and being the stubborn me that I am, decided to join some of my faculty ppl for a game a unlitmate frisbee. Yes, I know some of u would be saying "Stupid Gal, complain back pain still play!" But u know, when it comes to sports, whether or not u're in pain or injured, or even the extent of the pain can never stop a person from playing or taking part, especially when a person has a passion for it! In fact, u're pretty much oblivious to the pain during a game or match! I'm not saying that I have a passion for the game but in my entire life, despite sustaining or recovering from any injury, I've never given up playing or taking part in competitions! Well, that's probably why I take so long to recover and why I think my legs are like gonna give up on me soon.....from countless sprains, muscle tears, twists and what ever u can think off! Call me stubborn and that I'm just asking for it like my parents always say....but I seriously just gonna not let it stop me from doing what I like...SPORTS!
Anyway, yes, as I was saying...headed to the Human Movement Oval after lecture for a game ULTIMATE FRISBEE!!!! Yea, it was good damn tiring just running about. It doesn't sound as tiring but when u get down to it...woohooo...u feel as if u just jogged a few km! Was a good day to play, sunny with a nice cool wind blowing thru. Still new to the game but starting to get the hang of it. I think if only more ppl came it would have been so much more fun! Hmmm...think this might just turn out to be yet another of those weekly social sports gathering of the human movement students! YEAH! Weird how throughout the game I didn't really feel much pain, guess u kinda suppress the pain at the back of ur mind. But during the rest intervals and while I was walking home....the pain just got worst! In fact right now, it's hell pain! I offically can't even walk nor sit up straight! HELPPPPP!!!!!
Was walking up this relatively steep slope after the game heading home...and I had so much trouble just getting up that Isaac had to support and push me from behind! Now how sucky is that! In the house, all I have been doing is lying on the floor everywhere I go, coz sitting up just adds puts too much strain man....And at this very moment as I'm sitting at my deak typing this blog entry away, I have 2 pillows and a hot water bottle against my seat on which I'm leaning against to support my back! Feeling so handicapped man! Gosh, it's like as the day passes the pain gets progressively more painful and sharper! Now I've gotta get some studying done man....tests next week! Arghhhh!!! Hope I'll be able to hold myself upright thru the night! *WhinEs*
You think, perhaps, that you will live forever, For death, still out of sight, is out of mind. Or pain, perhaps, is destined for another, And anything that's broken soon will mend. You seek the ecstasy in every moment, Not caring what the consequence may be, Yearning for the black, tormented torrent, That twists beneath the border of your day. You plunge and plunge again, and still don't drown, Belying all the warnings that you've heard. Joy fills you to the marrow of your bones, And all but what you hunger for seems dead. But all things have a price, as you will learn Too late, when life presents you with the bill; And you will die too early, or in pain Live on with wounds that never wholly heal. Oh, children full of passion and desire, Unwilling to mature before you choose! Remember there is wisdom in your fear, And reason to think well what you may lose.
Yup...for u viewing pleasure...
Just some of the photos that were taken
during the human movement potluck gathering on sat, 31st July!
All warm and cosy...human movement potluck gathering!
Over the weekend, they were screening the movie G.I Jane on the telly...u know, the one staring Demi Moore!Yea, anyway, despite having watched it like when it first came out.....had nothing better to do so yea, spent the rest of the evening watching the show with Chris.
I still remembered how when I first watched it I got all inspired and stuff....think the show really inspired me during those canoeing training days back in Kallang! Ok, sighz, really miss those sadistic training days....all sweaty and aching from the pain under the sun...loved it man! Yea, as much as I think that there are indeed really insanely fit women out the in the the opinions of both chirs and me, we seriously doubt that such ppl like G.I Jane kinda material really exist! Come on...get real...women have certain physical limitations and that;s totally insane lah! it's just a logical kinda evaluation.Anyway, none the less, I took it as a form of motivation for my training coz i could really relate to her in the show- being the only gal in a whole team of rugged guys, going thru tortourous trainings, competiting with them in time trials, and just being an equal and doing 'guys' stuff, no less! Yea, those were the good old days!
God, in the show, Demi Moore was like so damn ZAI lah! Esp after she shaved her entire so much SAE! Check it out when she was doing all those upside down crunches, one-arm push ups (which chris reckons is exaaggerated). I tell u....I so long to get up to the physical standard, but i must be dreaming and delusioned! Her strong mental and will power...her persistance and determination....loved her physic man....not overly muscular, but toned and proportionate...and check ouit her abs (not the best I've seen but still great!)
Anyway, since then, I kinda been slacking. Now that I'm in uni, its even worst...I've totally lost touch with my regular weekly exercise regime when i was back in SG. Ever since I came over to aust, I've seriously been like this lazy ass pigging out and not exercising....and now I'm finally paying the price - I feel so totally unfit....never felt so terrible in my life man! My stamina, strength and physic have all just gone down down down the drain......ARGHHHHhhhh!!!!!!!!
Feeling all helpless now!
Well....ok, so no point complaining right! Yups...that's the point I'm coming to now...after watching the movie again....I'm once again inspired! Hahahah! Yes....G.I Ja is getting back into action once agaiN! Sounds so lame and crappy right? I've finally figured out that if i wanna get back on form I have to start somewhere and its never too late to start NOW! Especially since I'm undertaking my degree in Exercise and Health Science, it's kinda ironic for me not to be fit myself if i were to help ppl get fit....get what I mean? I seriously must probably be the only lazy, totally unfit person in the entire human movement faculty! My standard is like nowhere lah! to start exercising.
Hahaha....And yes, I finally started getting down to serious exercising Today! Yes people...I'm proud of myself, and all I need to hope and pray now is that this will continue and not be a one off thing! Went for a jog this evening along Mad BAy down to the Swan Brewery...a good 5km. Well for a start lah..considering I haven't jog since last semester, and as mucha s this is an excuese- i just recovered from my 2 week long flu! Damn, so bloody cold today, makes it all harder and more difficult to breath! My nose was like so pain after the jog! Okok...cannot complain so much.....afterall, PAIN IS AROUSING! I shall head to the gym tmr and maybe go for a jog in the evening! Think on Sat MJ and I are gonna head down to the pool to swim. I wanna play tennis man! I'm getting a little out of hand...I need to learn to take things one step at a time. But i told myself to start off slow anyways....if not sure burn out damn fast one! Gonna have to start changing my diet too....must eat healthier foods....cut down on the
yummy chips and chocs! *the down side of getting healthy* I WILL SURVIVE!!!! Here Comes G.I JA!!!!
To my dear housemates and my ever worried not worry,I know what I'm doing. U might be thinking i'm insane and u my darling housemates (the unlucky 2 of the lot) might even experience days where Jacinta here will go a little insane and not be herself. But do forgive her....she'll still be the same old JA inside....bare with her and her temporary spur to get into the 'I Need to get FIT' action! Hahaha....All the BEsT to ME!!!! a fitter and healthier ME...Here I COME!!!!
Today was a really fun day man, really enjoyed myself! Even though at the moment I feel gulity for not doing my revision and studying, which in the first place I had with so fruitfully planned...the fact that I had fun kinda makes up for it lah!
Anyway, woke up feeling kinda sleepy and groggy coz I slept real late last night. If my memory doesn't fail me...think i went to bed at abt close to 5am! Heehee...yea! ANyway, headed down to Subiaco with Aaron coz I had to do some grocery shopping for the stuff that I was going to cook and he had to go buy his cheesecake from The Cheesecake Shop which sells really yummy and pretty cheesecakes and reasonable prices! Met up with a few new friends there, they just came this semester so like any other newbie to Perth, they wanted the check out the NIKE factory outlet which is like this small wearhouse selling NIKE products and appearal at like relatively cheaper prices. Gosh.....they spent a hell long time there man...think close to an hour in such a tiny shop and they bought bags of stuff! Hahaha....Aaron and I were like bored to death just waiting for them to finsh with their shopping! Even managed to walk up and down another street, in hope that they would be done by the time we returned...but NO...they were still shopping...hahah. Oh well, shall not complain anymore lah, coz i think when I frist came i was also kinda overwhealmed by the store! I really didn't want to hang ard there coz I really wanted to save money and like not spend it on buying is sinful man! Felt as if the shop was triggering some weird compulsive shopping vibe telling me to buy something...but yea, guess the good got the better of me! :)
By the time I got home, it was time for me to start getting ready and prepare my food. Cooked Dry Chicken Curry....of coz my darling head chef of the house, Chles, pitched in and helped me a little here and there. Thank u gal, couldn't have done it without u! Well the finally turn out was good....spicy and yummy! was the Rugby Tri Nations match- Australia Vs South Africa! Wanted to go watch the match man, but we wern't able to get the tickets on oh well, maybe we'll just wait for another one! Hopefully the next match that would be played here in Perth would be one with the NZ All Black...kao, comfirm will watch lah! ANyway, Aust won by a close margin of 30-26! Not that I'm a fan of either team, but i did wish that Aust would win! All Blacks are still the best....not just bcoz like everyone else supports them,...but in all honesty i think their a great team! Not too mention also...their played...oooooo....all so tough and manly! I LIKE!!!!! Hahahah!
Yea yea, anyway, main event of the day...headed over to Wilfred's house for the Potluck. U see, ard the start of every semester, the International Students of the Human Movement Faculty in UWA meet up and have a gathering over potluck. Kinda had been a tradition thing to gather and get to know each other....but then again, i think it;s really good coz anyway, it's largely made up of Singaporean students with another from Malaysia and one other from Japan. Yea, so its like all the different levels, from 1st yreas right up to those doing their honours and masters....yea we all gather over food and booze! There were so many of us man...think 20 plus ppl....not to mention so much yummy food too that we couldn't finish everything!
It sure was great to see all the different ppl from the different years just mixing and getting along oh so fine...shared abt stuff, talked abt the course and their experiences and of coz just crapping ard. It was really good. I always thought that such stuffs were good, especially when everyone gets to know each other and get along.......I mean aside from the fact that u get to socialise and get to know more ppl esp in a foreign country...u would never know when u would need help, seniors esp are like the best ppl to ask and clarify questions and doubt abt the same course ur doing and it doesn't hurt to ask! Asking is Good! Heehee! But yea.....i think one could easily tell that everyone there had a great time too....everyone was so high spirited and the house was just filled with the time i got home....was close to 12.30am!
Anyway, it great that the international students are all so their even trying to organise a day in the week so that we can all meet up and play like a game or two. At the moment, think its fri...gonna play ultimate frisbee.....looking forward to it....
Tmr morning....go running!!!! better sleep now sia....*yawns*